Victorio shows up his talent in LGCT GP at Monaco
No matter how hard or long it gets, working hard always pays off. And the results of Victorio des Grez confirms this.
The gelding 9 y.o. bay from Nabab de Reve x Laudanum, is growing in sport performances, demonstrating once again to be extremely talented and gifted with a big heart and a desire to do well.
First year for him in top international 5* show jumping, he was 2nd in 145 class at Madrid, he got a 10th place in 145 class at Cascais-Estoril and this last weekend at Montecarlo he signed a clear round in 155/160 class on Sunday (second round of GCL) and collected a final 21st place in GP160, jumping amazing!
Calinesse de Guldenboom was great as well, in particular she got a 5th place in Longines Pro-Am Cup with Ignace Philips while Jane was clear with her beautiful grey mare Jalanta P !
Next stop: LGCT Paris !
Victorio des Grez