A successful national 5* at Tortona
This past weekend has been signed by a great success for Jane and her son, Noah at the National 5* event held at the Torrione Equestrian Center!
First GP ever for the young Fouego de la Closière who flew over the jumps closing the jump-off with a clear and fasted 3rd place!
Kenia van't laerhof, perfect and nice as usual, was clear again in GP and almost ready for big and demanding international events.
The same GP has been then won by Dieudonné de Guldenboom back on track again!
A great sucess for Jane's son Noah as well who did a brilliant fast winning round in his class on Sunday with his belowed pony Benhur !
Results at this link
Congratulation to team and family, waiting to see Jane and horse at the next LGCT of Madrid this weekend!

Jane & Fouego GP 3rd place at Tortona, Italy

Jane & Noah after his winning round with Benhur

Jane & Kenia clear in GP at Tortona, Italy